October 27, 2023

Tribe-Building Experience in Bohinj

This past end-of-the-week we took a trip to Bohinj, to mark Guardiairs' 16th birthday with a two-day Tribe-Building event. The thoughtfully prepared program included the Tribe Conference with surprise guests, some relaxation time, and amazing food.

The Thursday morning was highlighted with a dynamic round table discussion on the future of AI. We explored the opportunities and potential challenges artificial intelligence brings and discussed how it will shape future trends that play a significant role in innovative product development. It's evident that AI has already revolutionized the way we approach problem-solving, and creativity, and will continue to guide us toward new, different approaches to help us stay ahead of the curve. We are excited to be at the forefront of this transformative journey, and can't wait to see where AI takes us in the coming years.

On Friday we had the privilege of hosting Anamarija Lampič, whom we proudly sponsor. Anamarija shared valuable insights into her biathlon training, emphasizing the importance of both psychological readiness alongside physical preparedness for success in sports. This topic resonates with us as Guardiaris aims to provide a holistic approach to military training and we understand how mental strength plays a pivotal role in achieving success! We look forward to further collaboration with Anamaraija and learn from each other's expertise.

In addition to these interesting discussions, we also made the most of our visit to Bohinj for some relaxed bonding time, a thorough review of our past and current projects, and productive conversations about the company's future goals. Once again, it's clear that Guardiaris' Tribe is in constant pursuit of excellence, both in our professional and personal endeavors that build the ever-innovative Guardiaris Brain.



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